Chelsea Lynn La Bate (Ten Cent Poetry)
is an award winning songwriter, illustrator and writer. She has performed thousands of self booked shows throughout the US and Europe and has remained an independent artist since her start in 2005.
Publications and Recordings:
2023 - Free Roses. A collection of long format poetry published by mezcalita press
2018- sugah. 40 short poems hand bound in small leather book
2018- The Song Remains. A collection of short poems written in Morocco, Paris, New Orleans and Appalachia.
2018- bookbinding and letterpress fall session penland school of crafts
2016 - Appalachian Eyes. Album produced by Grammy Award Winner, Neal Merrick Blackwood.
2016 - Songcrafter.™ 16 Episode Audio Series.
2015 - A World Gone Hard. 11 Erotic Poems. Audio series.
2015 - True Wild. Video Poem.
2012 - Ten Cent Orchestra. 12 songs with fully composed chamber arrangements.
2011 - Picking Through the Pawn Shop. Full length, fully produced ten song album.
2007 - Live in Brooklyn EP. 7 songs
2007 - Words. Book of poetry and lyrics + live album.
2007 - Cardboard Crowns. 10 song album. Recorded in NYC.
2005 - Lip to Lip, Dust to Chalk. 10 song album. Recorded in NYC.
2016 - Best Visual Design. Night Time Moonshine. Music Video Asheville.
2013 - Song of the Year. Songwriting Association
2010 - 2nd Place Flat Rock Live Songwriting Competition
2009 - 1st Place Eddie’s Attic Live Songwriting Competition (John Mayer, Indigo Girls, Justin Bieber other winners)
2009 - 1st Place Asheville Songwriting Competition
2008 - Top Finalist (9 of 600) Williamsburg Live Songwriter
Stop Animation Videos:
2016 - Night Time Moonshine. Original Song.
2016 - Basement of Her Heart. Commission for song by Grant Peeples.
2015- Spool of String. Original song.
2008 - The Snail Song. Original song.
Chelsea makes appearances at schools, camps and festivals as a guest songwriting instructor including Catawba University, Joyful Noise Music Center and in 2016 was chosen to represent the US at the Obrigado festival in Gibraltar as one of nine songwriters from around the world.
Her story has been featured on NPRs Morning Edition and All Things Considered.

photo hannah sommer
Last Word Queen
Appalachian Eyes
Meaning of Mine
Night TimeMoonshine