Cut paper illustration - Chelsea Lynn La Bate
Finding Your Road $29.00
Join the Songcrafter community and find your one true road! This virtual workshop is your inspiring companion to tour preparation.
It covers the mysteries of silkscreening, upping your merch booth game, staying in shape on the road, loading out, how to help hosts provide the most for touring musicians and reminders of the glory and freedom of being on tour.
This workshop includes
Audio mp3s :
Engaging and hilarious prose stories to inspire you to get out on the great road
Full length original songs by Ten Cent Poetry
PDF : Includes all stories and prompts
Access : To online Songcrafter community
"This is the Artist Way for songwriters. Brilliant. Engaging. Life supporting."- BJ Leiderman, NPR
"Hysterically funny, informative, smart and fascinating. A teacher for any creative."
- Miranda Gray, egg tempera painter
"Solid, utilitarian, proven content. Engaging, entertaining and delightful to listen to. "
- Melvin Hersfield
"Incredibly good show. It simply doesn't get any better." - Davyne Dial, owner WPVM
"NPR needs a fresh, female voice. This series is medicine." - Jor Sutton, drummer
"Not every good artist is a a good teacher. Chelsea is both. Chelsea tells stories to teach, but if you take the teaching elements out, they are pure prose and beauty." - Valorie Miller songwriter
"(Chelsea) is holding the torch for all of us who are on a career path that doesn’t’ have a clear path."
- Gina Caldwell violist, music educator
How it works: Upon payment all materials will be received through your email, along with receipt and password for The Songcrafter's Lounge.
Bundle it!
4 course bundle - $99
8 courses bundle - $199
2 courses bundle - $329
16 courses bundle - $429
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